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- John Coltraneが録音した色んな曲が、Nelson's Databaseに所収のどの盤に入っているかが、簡単に探せます。(30枚弱)
- 「Impressions」等のおなじみ曲が色んな盤に散らばって入っているのを、聴き比べするのに便利なツールです。本人の手になる、いわゆるオリジナルは朱色にしてありますが、この人の世界がオリジナルで埋め尽くされていることがよく判ります。
- 「Nature Boy」や「枯葉(Autumn Leaves)」なんてのを演奏しているらしいんだけど、「そんな盤あったっけ?」なんて時にも使えます。>
- 仕上がりで約110曲、約250トラックくらいになっています。
- 26-2: 60Atlantic session
- Acknowledgement: 64Impulse session
- Africa: 61Africa/ Brass session, Take1,2,3
- Afro Blue
/ 63Berlin Live/ 65Half Note Live/ 66Tokyo Live
- After the Crescent: 63Impulse session
- After the Rain: 63Impulse session
- Aisha: 61Atlantic session
- Alabama: 63Birdland
- All or Nothing at All: 61Impulse session
- Autumn Leaves: 62Graz Live
- Autumn Serenade: 63Impulse session
- Bakai: 57Prestige session
- Bessie's Blues: 64Impulse session
- Blue Train
57Blue Note session
/ 61Stockholm Live= 61Stockholm Live
- Blues Minor: 61Africa/Brass session
- Body and Soul
60Atlantic session, Take1,2/ : 62Birdland Live
- Brasilia
61V.V. Live/ 65Impulse session
- But not for Me: 60Atlantic session
- Bye Bye Blackbird
62Paris Live/ 62Stockholm Live/ 62Graz Live
- Central Park North: 60Atlantic session
- Chasin' Another Trane
61V.V. Live
/ 63Newport
- Chasin' the Trane
61V.V. Live, Take1,2
/ 63Berlin Live
- Chim Chim Cherry: 65Impulse session
- Chronic Blues: 57Prestige session
- Countdown: 59Atlantic session, Take1,2
- Cousin Mary
59Atlantic session, Take1,2/ 63Berlin Live
- Crescent
64Impulse session
/ 66Tokyo Live
- Dahomey Dance: 61Atlantic session
- The Damned Don't Cry: 61Africa/Brass session
- Dear Lord: 63Impulse session
- Dear Old Stockholm: 63Impulse session
- Dedicated to You: 63Impulse session
- Don't Take Your Love from Me: 58Prestige session
- The Drum Thing: 64Impulse session
- Equinox: 60Atlantic session
- Everytime We Say Goodbye
: 60Atlantic session
/ 61Baden Baden Live/ 62Paris Live/ 62Graz Live
- Giant Steps: 59Atlantic session, Take1,2
- Good Bait: 58Prestige session
- Greensleeves
61Africa/Brass session, Take1,2/ 61V.V. Live, Take1,2
- I Want to Talk about You
58Prestige session62Graz Live/ 63New Port
/ 63Birdland/ 63Stockholm Live/ 63Berlin Live
- I Wish I Knew: 61Impulse session
- I'll Get by: 58Prestige session
- I'm Old Fashioned: 57Blue Note session
- I'm a Dreamer, Aren't We All: 58Prestige session
- Impressions
61V.V. Live, Take1,2,3
/ 61Paris Live/ 61Stockholm Live= 61Stockholm Live/ 61Baden baden Live/ 62Graz Live/ 62Stockholm Live/ 63Newport
/ 63Stuttgart Live/ 63Stockholm Live
- The Inch Worm
62Paris Live, Take 1,2/ 62Impulse session
/ 62Graz Live
- India: 61V.V. Live, Take1,2,3,4
- Invitation: 58Prestige session
- It's Easy to Remember: 61Impulse session
- Kulu Se Mama: 65Impulse session
- Lazy Bird: 57Blue Note session
- Leo: 66Tokyo Live
- Liberia: 60Atlantic session
- Like Sonny: 59Atlantic session
- Locomotion: 57Blue Note session
- Lonnie's Lament
63Berlin Live/ 64Impulse session
- A Love Supreme: 64Impulse session

- Love Thy Neighbor: 58Prestige session
- Lush Life: 63Impulse session
- Miles' Mode
: 61V.V. Live, Take1,2
/ 61Hamburg Live/ 62Impulse session/ 62Birdland Live
- Moment's Notice: 57Blue Note session
- Mr P.C.
59Atlantic session/ 61Hamburg Live/ 62Paris Live, Take 1,2/ 62Birdland Live
/ 62Graz Live/ 63Stockholm Live/ 63Paris Live
- My Favorite Things
60Atlantic session
/ 61Paris Live/ 61Baden Baden Live/ 61Stockholm Live= 61Stockholm Live/ 61Hamburg Live/ 62Paris Live/ 62Birdland Live/ 62Graz Live/ 63New Port
/ 63Stockholm Live/ 63Berlin Live/ 65Half Note Live/ 66Tokyo Live
- My Ideal: 58Prestige session
- My One and Only Love: 63Impulse session
- Naima
59Atlantic session, Take1,2/ 61V.V. Live, Take1,2
/ 61Stockholm Live= 61Stockholm Live/ 62Stockholm Live/ 63Stockholm Live/ 63Berlin Live
- Nancy with the Laughing Face: 61Impulse session
- Nature Boy: 65Impulse session
- The Night Has a Thousand Eyes: 60Atlantic session
- Ole: 61Atlantic session
- One down, One up:
63Impulse session/ 65Half Note Live
- Out of This World: 62Impulse session
- Peace on Earth: 66Tokyo Live, Take 1,2
- The Promise
63Birdland/ 63Stockholm Live
- Psalm: 64Impulse session
- Pursuance: 64Impulse session
- Resolution: 64Impulse session
- Russian Lullaby: 58Prestige session
- Satellite: 60Atlantic session
- Say It over and over again: 61Impulse session
- Selflessness: 65Impulse session
- Softly as in a Morning Sunrise: 61V.V. Live
- Song of Praise:
65Impulse session/ 65Half Note Live
- Song of the Underground Railroad: 61Africa/Brass session
- Soul Eyes: 62Impulse session
- Spiral: 59Atlantic session
- Spiritual
: 61V.V. Live, Take1,2,3,4
/ 63Stockholm Live
- Spring Is here: 58Prestige session
- Stardust: 58Prestige session
- Straight Street: 57Prestige session
- Summertime: 60Atlantic session
- Syeeda's Song Flute: 59Atlantic session, Take1,2
- Theme for Ernie: 58Prestige session
- They Say It's Wonderful: 63Impulse session
- Time Was: 57Prestige session
- To Her Ladyship: 61Atlantic session
- Too Young to Go Steady: 61Impulse session
- Traneing in
62Stockholm Live/ 63Stockholm Live
- Tunji: 62Impulse session
- Vigil: 65Impulse session
- Violets for Your Furs: 57Prestige session
- Welcome: 65Impulse session
- What's New: 61Impulse session
- While My Lady Sleeps: 57Prestige session
- Wise One: 64Impulse session
- You Are too Beautiful: 63Impulse session
- You Don't Know What Love Is: 61Impulse session
- You Say You Care: 58Prestige session
- Your Lady: 63Birdland
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