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Bill Evans曲名ナビ

  1. 34 Skidoo
    choice 70Montreux Live/ 74Canada Live/ 77Paris Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  2. After You
    choice 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  3. Alfie
    choice66Secret Sessions/ 70Montreux Live/ 71Secret Sessions
  4. Alice in Wonderland
    choice61V.V. Live(Take 1,2)choice/ 66Secret Sessions
  5. All of You
    choice 59Riverside session/ 61V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)/ 77 Paris Live
  6. Always: 63Verve session
  7. Autumn Leaves
    choice 59Riverside session(Take 1,2)choice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 69With Jeremy Steigchoice/ 70Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  8. B Minor Blues for Ellaine: 77Warner session
  9. Bass Face: 76Fantasy session
  10. Beautiful Love
    choice (Take 1 2): 61Riverside sessionchoice/ 68Secret Sessions
  11. Bill's Hit Tune
    choice 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)choice/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  12. Blue in Green
    choice 59Riverside session(Take 2,3)/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions/ 68Secret Sessions/ 74Canada Livechoice/ 78With Toots Thielmans
  13. Body and Soul: 78With Toots Thielmans
  14. The Boy Next Door
    choice 61Riverside session/ 64Trident Live
  15. But not for Me: 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)
  16. But Beautiful
    choice 80Keystone Live(Consecration)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(take 1,2)
  17. California here I Come: 67Secret Sessions
  18. A Child Is Born: 76Fantasy session
  19. Come Rain or Come Shine
    choice 59Riverside sessionchoice/ 65Verve sessionchoice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions
  20. Conception: 56Riverside session
  21. Dancing in the Dark: 63Verve session
  22. Danny Boy: 62Verve session
  23. Darn That Dream: 62Jim Hall Duo
  24. The Days of Wine and Roses
    choice 78With Toots Thielmanschoice/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4)
  25. Detour ahead
    choice 61V.V. Live(Take 1 2)/ 67Secret Sessions
  26. Displacement: 56Riverside session
  27. Dolphin Dance
    choice 74Secret Sessions/ 77Fantasy session
  28. Dream Gypsy: 62Jim Hall Duo
  29. Easy Living
    choice 56Riverside session/ 67Secret Sessions
  30. Elegia: 65With Strings session
  31. Elsa
    choice 61Riverside session/ 65Verve session/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions
  32. Embraceable You: 68Montreux Live
  33. Emily
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ / 68Secret Sessions69Montmartre Live/ 73Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2)
  34. Everything Happens to Me: 63Verve sessionchoice
  35. Five
    choice 56Riverside session/ 67Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)
  36. For Heaven's Sake: 63Verve session
  37. Fudgesickle Built for You: 62Riverside session
  38. Fun Ride: 62Riverside session
  39. Funkallero: 62Riverside session
  40. Gary's Theme
    choice 77Warner session/ 79Paris Live/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  41. Gloria's Step
    choice 61V.V. Live(Take 2 3)choice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions
  42. Goodbye: 62Verve session
  43. Granadas: 65With Strings session
  44. Haunted Heart
    choice 61Riverside session/ 67Secret Sessions/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  45. A House Is not a Home: 77Fantasy session
  46. How Am I to Know: 59Riverside session
  47. How Deep Is the Ocean
    choice 61Riverside sessionchoice/ 64Trident Live/ 67Secret Sessions
  48. How My Heart Sings
    choice 64Trident Live/ 65Verve sessionchoice/ 69Secret Sessions/ 70Montreux Live
  49. I Believe in You: 62Verve session
  50. I Do It for Your Love
    choice 78With Toots Thielmans/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3)
  51. I Fall in Love too easily
    choice 62Riverside session/ 68Secret Sessions
  52. I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good: 56Riverside session
  53. I Hear a Rhapsody
    choice 62Jim Hall Duochoice/ 70Montreux Live
  54. I Love You
    choice 56Riverside session/ 66Secret Sessions
  55. I Loves You Porgy
    choice 68Montreux Livechoice/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  56. I should Care
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 70Secret Sessions
  57. I will Say Goodbye: 77Fantasy session(Take 1 2)choice
  58. I wish I Knew: 61Riverside session
  59. If You Could See Me now
    choice 62Riverside session/ 65Verve sessionchoice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions/ 74Canada Live/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)
  60. I'm Getting Sentimental over You
    choice 62Jim Hall Duo/ 66Verve session/ 67Secret Sessions
  61. In Love, in Vain: 62Riverside session
  62. In Your Own Sweet Way
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live
  63. Israel
    choice 61Riverside sessionchoice/ 65Verve sessionchoice/ 70Montreux Live
  64. It might as well Be Spring: 62Riverside session
  65. Jade Visions: 61V.V. Live(Take 1 2)
  66. Jesus' Last Ballad: 78With Toots Thielmans
  67. Knit for Mary F.
    choice 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4,5)
  68. Laura: 66Verve session
  69. Laurie
    choice 79Buenos Aires Livechoice/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  70. Let's Go back to the Waltz: 62Verve session
  71. Letter to Evan
    choice 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)choice/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2 3)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  72. Like Someone in Love
    choice 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3.4.5)
  73. Little Lulu
    choice 63Verve session/ 67Secret Sessions
  74. Loose Bloose : 62Riverside session(Take 1 2)
  75. Love Is here to Stay
    choice 65Verve session/ 68Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Live
  76. Lover Man: 69With Jeremy Steigchoice
  77. Martina: 76Fantasy session
  78. Midnight Mood
    choice 70Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live
  79. Milestones: 61V.V. Live
  80. Minha(All Mine)
    choice 77 Paris Live/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Livechoice/ 80V.V. Live
  81. Mornin' Glory
    choice 73Secret Sessions/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  82. Mother Of Earl
    choice 68Montreux Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  83. My Bells: 62Riverside session
  84. My Foolish Heart
    choice 61V.V. Livechoice/ 70Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3)choice
  85. My Funny Valentine: 62Jim Hall Duo(Take 1 2)choice
  86. My Heart Stood still: 59Riverside session
  87. My Man's Gone Now
    choice 61V.V. Live/ 68Secret Sessions/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2,3)
  88. My Melancholy Baby: 66Verve session
  89. My Romance
    choice 56Riverside session/ 61V.V. Live(Take 1 2)choice/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Livechoice/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4,5,6)
  90. Nardis
    choice 61Riverside sessionchoice/ 64Trident Live/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions(Take 1,2)/ 68Montreux Livechoice/ 69Montmartre Live/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2,3,4)choice/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2,3,4,5,6)
  91. No Cover, No Minimum: 56Riverside session
  92. Nobody Else but Me
    choice 76Fantasy session/ 77Fantasy session
  93. Noelle's Theme
    choice : 79Paris Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  94. On Green Dolphin Street
    choice 59Riverside session/ 67Secret Sessions
  95. One For Helen
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 68Montreux Livechoice/ 74Canada Live
  96. Only Child: 66Verve session
  97. The Opener: 77Fantasy session
  98. Orbit: 66Verve session
  99. Orson's Theme: 77Fantasy session
  100. The Other Side Of Midnight: 78With Toots Thielmans
  101. Our Delight: 56Riverside session
  102. Pavane: 65With Strings session
  103. The Peacocks: 77Warner session
  104. Peau Douce
    choice 77Fantasy session/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  105. Peri's Scope
    choice 59Riverside session/ 67Secret Sessions/ 70Montreux Livechoice
  106. Polka Dots and Moonbeams
    choice 62Riverside sessionchoice/ 67Secret Sessions/ 68Secret Sessions/ 73Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4)
  107. Porgy: 61V.V. Live
  108. Prelude: 65With Strings session
  109. Quiet Light: 77Fantasy session
  110. Quiet Now
    choice : 68Montreux Livechoice/ 75Secret Sessions/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)
  111. Re: Person I Knew
    choice 62Riverside session/ 66Secret Sessions/ 71Secret Sessions/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4)choice
  112. Romain : 62Jim Hall Duo(Take 1 2)
  113. 'Round Midnight
    choice 64Trident Livechoice/ 65Verve session/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Live
  114. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town: 63Verve session
  115. Seascape: 77Fantasy session
  116. Second Time around: 76Fantasy session
  117. The Shadow of Your Smile: 66Secret Sessions
  118. A Simple Matter of Conviction: 66Verve session
  119. Skating in Central Park: 62Jim Hall Duo
  120. A Sleepin' Bee
    choice 63Verve session/ 68Montreux Live/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  121. Sno' Peas: 78With Toots Thielmans
  122. So What
    choice 69With Jeremy Steigchoice/ 74Canada Live
  123. Solar: 61V.V. Livechoice
  124. Some Other Time
    choice 61V.V. Live/ 66Secret Sessions
  125. Someday My Prince will Come
    choice 59Riverside sessionchoice/ 64Trident Live/ 66Secret Sessions/ 68Montreux Livechoice/ 68Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Live/ 77 Paris Live/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  126. Sometime ago: 77Warner session
  127. Song from MASH
    choice 77Warner Session/ 79Buenos Aires Live/80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)choice/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3)
  128. Spartacus Love Theme: 69With Jeremy Steigchoice
  129. Speak Low: 56Riverside session
  130. Spring Is here
    choice 59Riverside sessionchoice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2,3)
  131. Stairway to the Stars
    choice 62Riverside session/ 62Jim Hall Duo
  132. Star Eyes
    choice 66Verve session/ 67Secret Sessions
  133. Stella by Starlight
    choice 64Trident Live/ 66Verve session/ 67Secret Sessions/ 70Secret Sessions/ 79Buenos Aires Livechoice
  134. Straight No Chaser: 69With Jeremy Steigchoice
  135. Sugar Plum
    choice 75Secret Sessions/ 77 Paris Live
  136. Sweet and Lovely: 61Riverside session
  137. Sweet Dulcinea Blue: 76Fantasy session
  138. T.T.T.: 74Canada Live
  139. T.T.T.T.: 77 Paris Livechoice
  140. Theme from M.A.S.H. ---See 'Song from MASH'
  141. There Came You: 62Riverside session
  142. These Things Called Changes: 66Verve session
  143. This Is All I Ask: 78With Toots Thielmans
  144. Tiffany
    choice 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4)
  145. Time Remembered
    choice 62Riverside session/ 65With Strings session/ 66Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Livechoice/ 73Secret Sessions/ 77 Paris Live/ 80V.V. Livechoice
  146. Time out for Chris: 69With Jeremy Steig
  147. Tomato Kiss: 78With Toots Thielmans
  148. The Touch Of Your Lips
    choice 68Montreux Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  149. Turn out the Stars
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions/ 75Secret Sessions/ 77 Paris Livechoice/ 79Buenos Aires Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)choice/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2,3)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  150. The Two Lonely People
    choice 74Canada Live/ 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3)
  151. Up with the Lark
    choice U79Buenos Aires Live/ 79Paris Live/ 80V.V. Live/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  152. Valse: 65With Strings session
  153. Very Early
    choice 62Riverside session/ 66Secret Sessions/ 67Secret Sessions(Take 1,2)/ 70Montreux Livechoice/ 71Secret Sessions/ 74Canada Live
  154. Walkin' Up
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 68Montreux Live
  155. Waltz for Debby
    choice 56Riverside session/ 61V.V. Live(take 1 2)choice/ 66Secret Sessions/ 68Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Live/ 75Secret Sessions/ 77 Paris Livechoice/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)
  156. The Washington Twist: 62Verve session
  157. We will Meet again: 77Warner sessionchoice
  158. What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life
    choice 70Secret Sessions/ 74Canada Live
  159. What Is This Thing Called Love: 59Riverside session
  160. What Kind of Fool Am I: 64Trident Live
  161. What's New: 69With Jeremy Steigchoice
  162. When I Fall in Love
    choice 59Riverside sessionchoice/ 67Secret Sessions
  163. Who can I Turn to
    choice 65Verve sessionchoice/ 66Secret Sessions(Take 1,2)/ 68Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Live/ 74Secret Sessions/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2)
  164. Witchcraft: 59Riverside session
  165. With a Song in My Heart: 62Verve session
  166. Woody'n You: 59Riverside session(Take 1,2)
  167. Yesterday I Heard the Rain: 73Secret Sessions
  168. Yet Ne'er Broken
    choice 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2,3)
  169. You and the Night and the Music
    choice 59Riverside sessionchoice/ 67Secret Sessions/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)
  170. You Gonna Hear from Me
    choice 66Secret Sessions/ 69Montmartre Livechoice
  171. You must Believe in Spring: 77Warner sessionchoice
  172. Your Story
    choice 80V.V. Live(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Last Waltz)(Take 1,2)/ 80Keystone Live(Consecration)(Take 1,2,3,4,5)

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