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Sings Broadway + Great Songs from Hit Shows/ Sarah Vaughan
Sings Broadway + Great Songs from Hit Shows/ Sarah Vaughan
良い感じの盤 歌物盤

Mercury POCJ1577/78
(CD1) 1 A Tree in the Park
2 Little Girl Blue
3 Comes Love
4 But not for Me
5 My Darling, My Darling
6 Lucky in Love
7 Autumn in New York
8 It never Entered My Mind
9 If This Isn't Love
10 The Touch of Your Hand
11 Homework
12 Bewitched
13 Dancing in the Dark
14 September Song
15 A Ship without a Sail
16 Lost in the Stars
17 It's got to Be Love
18 All the Thigs You Are
(CD2) 1 Poor Butterfly
2 Let's Take an Old Fashioned Walk
3 My Heart Stood still
4 He's only Wonderful
5 They Say It's Wonderful
6 My Ship
7 You're My Everything
8 Can't We Be Friend
9 Love Is a Random Thing
10 If I Loved You
11 It's d'Lovely
12It's Love
13 And This Is My My Beloved
14 Mr. Wonderful
15 Don't Look at Me That Way
16 I Loved Him

Sarah Vaughan v
Recorded in 1954 - 1956
Sarah VaughanがMercuryに残したビッグ・バンド伴奏のヴォーカル盤枚の集成盤です。オケは4種類ほどありますが、50年代半ばにして、すでにこの巧さで歌っていたことに驚きを禁じえません。
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